Do you need electrical services for the day-to-day needs of your agricultural businesses, to support your expansion plans or to respond to an emergency?  

We can advise, install, inspect, service and repair everything from large specialist installations to small, bespoke solutions to meet current standards and regulations. 
Our agricultural services include: 
New agricultural buildings 
Periodic inspections, testing and condition reports 
Re-wiring and certification 
Lighting design and installation 
Repair and maintenance of 3-phase machinery 
Trunking & conduit installations 
Distribution board installation, repair and maintenance 
General electrical repairs and maintenance 
Power supplies 
High bay & low bay lighting to barns and workshops 
Security lighting 
CCTV systems. 
Farm electrician
Agricultural electrician
Electrical installations in farm buildings

Agricultural maintenance plans 

Electrical risks in agriculture can range from animal waste creating flammable vapours through to high humidity in milking parlours. Moisture levels and livestock can cause physical damage to light fixtures, wiring, and equipment. 
Regular electrical maintenance can save you money by avoiding costly breakdowns and disputes with insurance companies and, most importantly, will keep people, property and livestock safe, 
Regular electrical inspections should be included in your agricultural maintenance plan. A qualified electrician can test farm equipment and wiring and give advice on anything that might need to be repaired or replaced, Our agricultural electrical services include appliance and component testing and repair, security lighting installation, wiring upgrades, periodic condition reports and maintenance of electric farm equipment. 

Planning electrical work in agricultural settings 

It’s important to plan ahead and mark overhead and underground power cables on your farm maps in preparation for your electrical work. We will always consider the continuing need to use farm machinery and, where appropriate, its maximum reach so plans and processes can be put in place to make electrical work can take place safely. 
Agricultural electrical installations need to be carefully planned.
Grain store elecrical installation

Electrical safety in agricultural settings 

Safe standards of operation and essential to keep everyone safe and to be sure your insurance remains valid. 
We will be happy to advise you about electrical safely measures such as protecting your agricultural wiring systems with RCDs (residual current devices), making sure wiring systems have adequate ingress protection, and reduced voltage for agricultural tools using safety isolating transformers. 
Get in touch for more information about our agricultural services or contact us for a free quotation.