NICEIC: 20 years of professional registration
Posted on 28th November 2024
This month MSE is proud to have been registered with the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) for 22 years. We are certified as contractors, domestic installers and for PAT testing.

Why NICEIC registration matters
The standards and regulations that the NICEIC oversee are important to maintain the quality of electrical work for homeowners, businesses, public bodies like local government and the NHS, as well as professionals like architects, surveyors and insurers.
Homeowners who are enthusiastic about DIY also need professional advice when it comes to electrical installation and sometimes need our help if things go wrong. While businesses generally realise the importance of electrical safety many members of the public don’t appreciate the risks they could be taking by using an unregistered electrician.
There’s no legal requirement for registration except under health and safety legislation but NICEIC registration or accreditation with the National Association of Professional Inspectors and Testers (NAPIT) for smaller providers shows that the required standards are being met.
What the NICEIC does
The NICEIC supports customers by promoting electrical safety and lobbying government. It provides electrical installers and contractors with national recognition which is a good way to formalise their systems.
NICEIC also specifies training and encourages everyone in the sector to maintain and upgrade their qualifications.
For example, the NICEIC worked with the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) to rewrite the Wiring Regulations so that the latest version takes account of electrical innovation and risk. It also makes sure that registered electricians complete compulsory training including a physical inspection of their work and specifies how many qualified supervisors are needed to maintain standards.
A commitment to quality
To maintain registration our work is reviewed annually by full-time and highly qualified NICEIC inspectors. They don’t just check our work onsite; they also look at our insurance, health and safety practices, operations, tools and plant.
We have to provide a list of our clients who can be available for inspection and they choose a representative cross section.
The inspectors spend a full day visiting our industrial, commercial and domestic installations. In addition to looking at the quality of our electrical work, they also review our testing and condition and installation reports.
Maintaining NICEIC registration is a big commitment for everyone on the MSE team, but we believe it’s essential to maintain high standards and proper practices.
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